Natalie Schubert

10 Data Governance Challenges (And How to Solve Them!)

10 Data Governance Challenges

In my years as a tech leader, I’ve witnessed countless organizations drowning in data while thirsting for insights. The disconnect often stems from inadequate data governance—a critical yet frequently misunderstood aspect of business operations. Robust data governance is about more than just compliance—it’s about unleashing the full power of your data to drive innovation and […]

Crisis Management: Immediate Response and Long-Term Recovery

Crisis Management: Immediate Response and Long-Term Recovery

As much as we do our best to avoid them, no organization is immune to crises. Sooner or later, those in leadership positions will be forced to deal with one. Whether it’s a natural disaster, a cyber-attack, or a sudden shift in market conditions, the ability to respond effectively can mean the difference between a […]

The Future of Remote Work: Trends and Challenges


The era of remote work has changed (for the better, I think) many aspects of office work, such as how we accomplish tasks and create workspaces. But it also presents challenges. One of the most significant hurdles remote workers face is maintaining a sense of team cohesion and connection to the company culture. When remote […]

Fostering Innovation: Creating a Culture of Continuous Learning in Tech Companies

learning seminar in an auditorium

In the fast-paced world of technology, the only constant is change. Tech companies that thrive are those that embrace innovation not as a one-time initiative but as a continual process rooted in a culture of continuous learning. Such a culture doesn’t happen by accident; it requires deliberate design and sustained effort from all levels of […]

Sustainable Tech: Leading the Charge in Environmental Responsibility within the Tech Industry

man using a tablet in a greenhouse

In an era where climate change and environmental degradation pose significant threats to our planet, the technology industry is uniquely positioned to drive change. Sustainable technology, or “sustainable tech,” refers to the design, manufacture, and use of devices, systems, and services in a way that reduces their environmental impact. This movement towards sustainability is not […]

The Power of Diverse Teams: Building Inclusivity for Competitive Advantage

Diverse Team

In the modern business landscape, diversity and inclusion have transitioned from being mere buzzwords to essential components of organizational strategy. The power of diverse teams lies not only in the moral and ethical imperative of inclusivity but also in the tangible competitive advantages they bring to organizations. From enhancing creativity and innovation to improving decision-making […]

Balancing the Books: Effective P&L Management for Executives

Profit and Loss management

Profit and Loss (P&L) management is a critical skill for executives in any industry. It encompasses not just the oversight of revenues and expenses but also the strategic decision-making that drives a business towards profitability and growth. Effective P&L management requires a deep understanding of the business financial health, the ability to analyze complex data, […]